The Thrift Store Princess


So I realize that is has been almost 2 weeks since Halloween and a week since my last blog. I apologize. Life has been having it’s way with me! Between work, kids, and preparing for company (which includes Thanksgiving 2 weeks early) I have been a bit preoccupied. I have still been creating, I just haven’t been publishing. I am hoping to catch up this week…somehow.

Anyway…on to my Halloween costume! I was a princess! I typically make whatever costume my kids tell me. It is a bit of a game. Last year I was a horrible version of Tinkerbell…

So we hit the thrift store on the Monday before Halloween (which also happens to be the day that the whole store is half off) to scour the goods for something that could be a princess dress. The two smallest midgets and me walked up and down the aisles and nothing was workable. I was afraid I was going to have to come up with something else :-/ BUT THEN while giving the long dresses section another once over I found it!!



So I quickly scooped this up (for $5!!) and took it home and twirled and twirled and twirled. I have always liked a good twirling dress and this was PERFECT. And then is hung in my closet for the better part of a week. I would look at it a few times a day waiting for inspiration. Then finally after trick or treat (did I mention that I needed to dress up for a party that Saturday, not on Halloween) I sat, watched Parenthood, drank an adult beverage, and got crafting!



Back of the sequins strip

Back of the sequins strip

Since I am new to crafting and sewing and the such I wasn’t quite sure if I was supposed to sew the entire strip on like a ribbon, or cut the sequins off and sew on by hand…I went with the latter. 🙂

Pile of sequins in my lap

Pile of sequins in my lap

I decided to sew these pretty little things onto the waistline to give it some umph and make it more princesslike. Nothing too complicated just a simple up and down stitch to secure them. Shockingly they all staying in place!

The master at work

The master at work

All the pretty sequins right in a row

All the pretty sequins right in a row


After finishing that I decided to embellish the bottom of the dress as well. I tried to find some tulle to make it a bit fluffy, but alas all of my tulle was the wrong color and in small strips from making tutus. So I just took 2 small gathers halfway up and added a few sequins to make them stand out. I also decided to add a little gathering to the bodice to add some emphasis 😉 This was mostly because this was a super simple bridesmaid dress and it was very conservative. I don’t have any pictures of these alterations because by that time the adult beverages were hitting me and I forgot to take a picture.

In the end it came out perfect!

ta da

ta da

Thrift Store Princess!

Thrift Store Princess!

^^^ You can see the embellishments really good in this picture taken by my friend Brett Landry !

Sorry again for being so long between posts!! I will try and be better about that 🙂